July Events - Many Opportunities to Participate and Volunteer!

Below is a list of our big events coming up in July. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering to help with any of these. You are also welcome to march with us in the 4th of July Parade and help with tabling at the Saturday Corvallis Farmer's Market. Volunteers are always needed, welcomed, and appreciated!

For the parade come to 8th Street between Jefferson and Monroe at 9:30 to line up wearing your red shirt if you have one. We will have signs for you to carry promoting Health Care for ALL, The parade begins at 10 and proceeds down Monroe Street and ends at the Riverfront.

What: Celebrate the 50th birthday of Medicare, “As American as Apple Pie!”
Hosts: Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates (mvhca.org)

When: Saturday, July 18, 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Where: Riverfront Park in Corvallis, near the Saturday Farmers’ Market.

Why: Medicare, which faced widespread opposition in 1965 and was roundly opposed as “socialized medicine,” today allows 48 million Americans affordable access to health care.

Enjoy music, cupcakes, and short inspirational testimonies - more –


What: “Sick Around the World” documentary by T.R. Reid

When: Thursday, July 16, 7:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Where: Darkside Cinema, Corvallis $7

Why: Take another look at why and how most develop countries guarantee access to health care for their people. Discussion to be led by three local physicians.


What: T.R. Reid comes to Oregon, speaks in the Mid-Valley
U.S. Health Care, What to Do About It”

When: Saturday, July 25, 7:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.,

Where: LBCC, Takena Hall, Russell Tripp Theater. Free admission

Why: “Our Costly and Troubled Sick Care System

What: T.R. Reid comes to Oregon, speaks in Salem

When: Saturday, July 25, noon to 1:15 p.m.

Where: Salem Hospital Building D, Creekside Room Free admission, but please register.

Why: “Obamacare: Is It the Answer?”


Healthcare Financing Study Bill Clears Difficult Hurdle with $300,000


Video: This Won't Hurt a Bit